Coders and:

A community of 170+ tech lovers and growing, who enjoy things outside of tech, like coffee, dogs, beer, etc.

Sound like you? Join our Discord, meet the fam, and join us for our social events!

Link to Discord

What's our mission?

Our mission is to cultivate a community of people who love tech, but also enjoy doing other things.

This community is aimed to serve people at all stops of their tech journey, whether they just started or have been here for a while.

We aim to do so by doing the following:


Creating a friendly space

We want to make sure you're all comfortable and feel included. If at any point you don't, let us know because we're here to help!


Not grilling you, like you're on an interview

These are social events. Please don't ask people to code in front of you. When people ask you to "tell them a little about yourself", they don't care about where you went to school, they want to see pictures of your dog.


Listening to your feedback

If something sucks, then let us know and we'll do our best to make sure it doesn't suck.


Putting in the work

We're working hard behind-the-scenes to make this community funner and gooder, so expect cool new things, like giveaways, stickers, apparel, etc.

Barry Lee

"Hey everyone! My name is Barry and I enjoy tinkering with technology and figuring out new ways to make life easier with programming. Building projects has been my passion since I was little and nothing beats the feeling of finally getting something off the ground. I believe it's important to share what we know and help others with the drive to learn and grow, and I hope that Coders And can provide that within the community."

Nick Rooney

"Hi I'm Nick! The reason why I wanted to create Coders And is because I think tech has a lot of great things to offer, and I know that when I first started my journey into the world of tech, having Barry to help me out really made all the difference. I'd like to create a community that continues this chain of giving back, with the hopes that people continue to use tech for good."

How to join the community

Join Our Discord

If you haven't joined our Discord, here's where to join! This is the first place that all of our cool new updates go.

Link to Discord

Follow Our Events

You can follow us on EventBrite or Meetup to check out our latest events!

Link to EventBriteLink to Meetup